
Dying Matters Awareness Week 2016 – Join the conversation

Visit the Dying Matters website

Dying Matters Awareness Week 2016 begins on the 9th May 2016 and the theme of the campaign is “The Big Conversation”.

The Dying Matters organisation want us all to discuss end of life issues and planning end of life care much more regularly and without feeling awkward about initiating the conversation.

So to add our support during Dying Matters Awareness Week we will be running our own conversation and you can join in with us by posting your comments and questions here on the website and by visiting our Facebook page and tweeting your comments to us @barkerevanslaw.

We want to know what you think and the questions that you have about end of life issues. Tell us if you have had a conversation yet with those you love about dying. If you haven’t yet had that conversation let us know why not – do you feel too uncomfortable to discuss the subject or are you confused about the questions you should be asking?

May be you would like to be able to arrange a funeral for someone when the time comes but you are not sure how or even whether it’s possible to arrange a funeral without involving funeral directors and religious ceremony.

During Dying Matters Awareness Week we’ll be posting articles and information about planning end of life care and we welcome questions on the legal issues – everything from end of life care plans to the laws relating to disposal of a body.

Questions about end of life issues

Do you know who ‘owns’ a body when someone dies?
Would you prefer to donate your body for medical research?
What is the difference between an Advance Decision and a Do Not Resusitate Notice?

We’ll be looking at all these issues and more and there is information here on our site already, just follow the link below.

Join us in The Big Conversation all next week and don’t forget to visit the Dying Matters website by clicking on the image above to find out more about their campaign.


Related posts:

How to arrange a funeral

To send us your comments or questions you can also use the form here.